Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Weight Loss Summary: Week 5

So I gained 1 pound over the last week. All I can say about that is that it was "that time".

I am not fretting about it. I just know that I have more work to do. As the temp starts to cool, I realize that I need to sit down and come up with ways to still get in a decent calorie burn without doing all of the walk to and from work, plus to run small errands.

I have workout DVDs but I get bored easily. So I had a thought, why not create a list of workout videos on Youtube? You can put up to 200 videos in a single playlist. Put it on shuffle everyday and it is like a different workout, every day. So I am going to give that a try and once I am done making the playlist, I will share it with you all.

Looking for weight loss inspiration???? Check out the article below. I can't wait until I can get into a bikini and Michelle did it with hard work and determination. If you are tired of being overweight, no one has the power to change that but you!!! I am doing it week by week. Impossible, no. Hard, yes. But WE can get through this together.

Michelle Mohr's Inspiring Weight-Loss Tale | Yahoo! Health

If you want to share your weight loss story or find an interesting or inspirational story out there, email me at

Until next time loves!!!!


  1. Weight loss is such a huge, life changing thing to take on. I applaud you and your efforts. Keep it up!

  2. Don't let a little gain during that time discourage you. I've walked off 10 pounds. I don't sweat. I have my schedule and I'm sticking to it. At least until school gets started again. Then I will have to come up with a new schedule. But good luck to you! I blogged about my weight loss journey today, too!


    1. I am not worried about that 1 pound. I just have to learn how to better deal with "that time". lol

      I need to get a better schedule. My new cat has thrown me off a bit. I will have to come up with something once school starts back too!!!

      Thanks and good luck to you on your weight loss journey!!!!
