Thursday, July 26, 2012

Great No Equipment Workout

I got this from one of my favorite blogs I have been doing this workout for over a week (twice per day) and I love it. Because your body gets used to workouts (and I get bored easily), I am going to switch up my cardio workout every week or two. This is great because it has both strength training and cardio, both of which are crucial for weight loss and even maintaining a HEALTHY weight. So put on some pumping music, give this a try for about a week and let me know what you think!

You guys were loving that workout circuit I posted yesterday. Here’s another one with a little more intensity, since it combines cardio and strength training! (Cardio burns fat. Strength training builds muscle) Remember that 3 rounds means 3 times back to back, with 30 second breaks in between each.
P.S. If you don’t know the exercise, type the name into YouTube and you’ll see tons of videos showing you the proper form!

Until next time loves!!!


  1. I do crossfit and a lot of these moves are used there too! :)

    1. I have never done crossfit before. I will have to look into that one. I like trying out new things so that I don't get bored.

  2. Your blog is quickly becoming one of my favorites! It's so nice to be able to share with someone who is going through the same exact thing as me. Along with my opinions, crafting, and photography, I'll be adding healthy tidbits to my blog as well.

    Keep up the good work. I'm going to try that workout. I get bored too so if I can mix it up, I seem to stay more committed. I've decided to do the elliptical 3 days a week but I need to add some toning and this would be perfect!

    I like the idea of having a "healthy bloggers" folder instead of joining a weight loss group or program. You get great advice, meet awesome people, but there's not pressure to post and join clubs, etc...

    Off to check out that other site too.

    1. Thank you Sheryl!!! I have to change it up because I get bored so easily. Plus, once you get your rhythm in doing the moves, it doesn't take that long to get through. You can do the three reps in less than 30 minutes and you are done! I love that because I always feel that I am short on time.

      I like that idea too. Weight loss groups and programs just seem so intimidating to me, not to mention, costly. I want to inspire others WHILE I am going through my journey, not after.
